ARTeria Foundation
ARTeria Foundation, was established in 2006 and is a non-profit organization. It implements a variety of projects and programs related primarily to supporting artists and the development of the broadly understood cultural and creative sector as well as local and regional communities through various activities based on three ideas: culture without borders, innovative education, multidimensional cooperation.
Contact : Wenancjusz Ochmann
CEPS Projectes Socials is a non-profit organization based in Barcelona working on EU wide projects. CEPS is responsible for the management and implementation of socio-educational activities for children, young people and adults, and further training for professionals. Expert staff research and develop innovative projects and practices. CEPS promotes a strategic and social view of the use of new technologies, and through participatory practices new models for strategic partnerships are developed at a local and international level. Social impact and creative activities are blended together into inspiring solutions for the community.
Contact : Gigi Guizzo
Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization. CIP aims at the development of different ramifications of entrepreneurship, education and democratic dialogue in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve those targets CIP has established an on-going collaboration with the majority of Cypriot leading universities, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus, especially for the development of innovative projects and international trainings or seminars as well as for the deployment of pedagogical educational material, by primarily using web platforms and other technological innovations. Simultaneously, CIP retains a valuable network of professional trainers and educational experts experienced with both formal and non-formal education.
Contact : Giota Mourettou
Born of the meeting of the worlds of publishing and graphic design, Les Apprimeurs’ primary ambition is to promote the appropriation of literature by initiating new reading experiences through digital technology.
As part of a desire to make education ever more inclusive and innovative, Les Apprimeurs works with professionals in the fields of education, culture and publishing, offering them the creation of enriched digital ebooks as well as training in the management of multi-media projects. In addition, the agency participates in and coordinates various European projects designed to promote learning and accessibility of knowledge through innovative solutions.
Contact : Karine DUPERRET
Logopsycom is an education innovation center that creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to accompany schools, VET centers, educational organizations, youngsters and parents. It was initially created as a care company, specialized on learning disorders, among youngsters, especially in “Dys” (Dyspraxia, Dysphasia, Dyslexia, etc.), also called Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and therefore always works on the accessibility of content.
Contact : Bérenger DUPONT
MULAB is a not for profit organisation based in Rome and working in the research and development, training and education within the Creative and Cultural Industry. Its activities develop sustainable cultural and social development principles and provide the skills and competencies for integration within the professional world. MuLab design organises and delivers innovative non-formal and informal training activities with particular attention to disadvantaged people, such as NEET (Not In Education Employment or Training) and people suffering from social exclusion.
Contact : Enzo Pellegrini